Chris Laffra

Software Development

Chris is an experienced, passionate, and talented software engineer with a strong drive to help other engineers grow.

He has been a manager, tech lead, technical lead manager, advisor, mentor, researcher, and staff software engineer with companies such as IBM, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Google, Uber, Plato, Sourcegraph, and JP Morgan. This experience allows Chris to quickly understand other engineers’ situations and make meaningful suggestions to help them grow to the next level.

Mentoring, guidance, and coaching on hard and soft skills are skills that allow engineers to grow to the next level. Achieving maximum happiness and energy within a team requires deep insights into how the entire software development process is organized, the role the team plays in this, and how all this impacts individuals.

Chris Laffra - Trainer at Xebia Academy

Through decades of personal experience, Chris has analyzed and summarized this entire field in numerous blogspresentations, and books. The summit of Chris’s work is his Communication for Engineers book and the accompanying interactive C4E course.

Every engineer, even the most successful one, hits a bump in their career at some point. Usually, this happens when they reach a certain level and wonder if this is all there is. In other cases, it may be an existential question about whether to continue as an individual contributor or as a manager.

Want to know more? Follow Chris’ Communication for Engineers training course and learn from the best!

Books by Chris

Communication | Software tech

Communication for Engineers

The book C4E was authored by Chris Laffra, a software professional targeting fellow engineers in the field. It offers insights into a range of communication skills essential for those in software development.

While some skills, like self-awareness, apply broadly, others, such as the art of writing clean code, are tailored specifically for engineers. The result is a comprehensive coverage of communication as it concerns software engineers with many practical and relevant tips to follow.

Upcoming courses

Communication for Engineers

This Communication for Engineers training provides a systematic approach to improving your communication skills.

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Production Ready Machine Learning

Follow our Production-Ready Python for Machine Learning training course to bring your machine learning models into production.

David Coba

Data Engineering
Data Science
Machine Learning
Software Development
Software Testing
3 days
In Person


12 Aug, 2024



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Docker and Kubernetes 

Learn in our Docker and Kubernetes training how Docker containers work — how to build, place and run them. Also understand how to deploy them in a Kubernetes cluster.

David Coba

Data and AI
Data Engineering
Software Development
1 day
In Person


16 Aug, 2024



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Tech Lead Masterclass

Join the Tech Lead Masterclass. Discover what it truly means to be a Tech Lead and enhance your leadership skills.

Patrick Kua

Software Development
2 days
In Person


12 – 13 Sep, 2024



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Applied DevSecOps   

Level up your security skills with our 2-day Applied DevSecOps training. Automation, threat modeling, and more. Are you in?

Marinus Kuivenhoven

Software Development
2 days
In Person


3 – 4 Oct, 2024



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Trainer expertise


Software Engineering