Marinus Kuivenhoven

Marinus Kuivenhoven is a Security trainer at Xebia Academy. With his extensive background in applying security at a plentitude of organizations, he is the righteous Head of Security Learning and Coaching at Xebia Academy. Did you know that besides his security knowledge, Marinus also has a passion for video/arcade games?

When talking to Marinus, you immediately get blown away by his broad IT knowledge. However, it’s not such a big surprise anymore when you look at his work experience.

Marinus started in web development and design before becoming an application engineer at Getronics / Pink Roccade where he worked on the KPN account. At Sogeti, Marionus transitioned from an Oracle engineer to a security specialist, becoming a co-founder of its PaSS (Pro-active Security Strategy) offering and member of Sogeti’s Center of Excellence Security.

At Xebia, Marinus further expanded his security knowledge as a security consultant, helping a diverse set of customers to set up proper security strategies across multiple departments and as part of different work processes. Besides that, he became aware of his passion for teaching.

With both a broad and deep understanding of so many IT processes and how to make security an integral part of that, Marinus felt he had to share his knowledge with like-minded peers. That’s when he designed a modular Security learning journey that fits any organization and any (security) professional.

Currently, Marinus is the primary security trainer at Xebia Academy, helping people and organizations implement security solutions in their daily work.

Marinus is also an Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). In 2007, Sogeti awarded Marinus with the DSE Employee of the Year Award.

In his spare time, Marinus likes to volunteer for organizations he’s passionate about. He’s

  • Chairman of the Nationaal Videogame Museum.
  • Board member for DIVD (Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure).
  • Founder of Hackers zonder Grenzen (Hackers without Borders – an organization that stimulates the adoption of responsible disclosure by both the hacker community and companies).
  • Board member for Awesome Retro (a non-profit that collects, repairs, and maintains old home and video game systems and brings them to schools, musea, festivals, and events, meaning everyone can enjoy them).

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Security Upskill Program

Learn which security skills you should acquire as a team and individual. With our holistic approach, all team members will know which security skills are expected from which role. Check our unique, modular approach and start upskilling now!

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