
GoDataDriven Open Source Contribution for May and June 2019

28 Jun, 2019
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64 is a pretty important number in computer science, for a variety of reasons.


It also turns out that it’s the number of PRs that Fokko opened in these two months. Yes, you
have read it correctly, he opened sixty-four PRs, which is more than one a day. The lists of
projects is also impressively long, so be sure to check out the link.

His partner in crime Bas didn’t remain idle either: he contributed 22 PRs, all of them to
Apache Airflow.

Vincent had some good months as well, with 13 PRs.

To close it off: Jelte contributed PR 148 to scikit-lego!

That’s it for this edition! If you, like many others, are searching for you next challenge after
the summer: we’re hiring software and data engineers, and we are throwing in a month of free
training to get you started with the data engineering domain if you’re not too familiar with it.

For more goodness follow me on Twitter: I’m gglanzani there!


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