Welcome to the Open Source contribution of GoDataDriven, the Apache edition.
The main character of this edition is the always prolific Fokko, who contributed to:
- Apache Airflow with 6 PRs: 4421, 4508, 4510, 4515, 4558, 4573;
- Apache thrift with PR 1723;
- Apache parquet-mr with 5 PRs: 595, 597, 600, 601, 609;
- Apache Flink with 16 PRs: 7404, 7406, 7407, 7408, 7413, 7468, 7484, 7487, 7488, 7497, 7498,
7499, 7506, 7508, 7511, 7547; - Apache Calcite with PR 988;
- Apache Avro with PR 427 and 434;
To finish with the Apache show, Bas did some work for Apache Airflow as well: PR 4443 and 4511.
With that done: Rodrigo was very active with Keras this month. He contributed a lot of work to
the keras-preprocessing library, with 8 PRs: 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, and 156.
Contributing to lightfm with PR 402 and to our own Docker image for Airflow with PR 2 and
3 we have Diederik.
Tim was active in the home automation space and you can tell by what he did in the open:
he contributed PR 20049 to home-assistant and
PR 8153 to home-assistant.io! He also open sourced a repository to integrate home-assistant
with PubSub and contributed the second PR to the growatt-api-client! Besides that, he
contributed PR 192 to the databricks-cli!
To close it, Bas Beleen contributed PR 54 to scruid!
That’s it for this edition! If you, like many others, are searching for you next challenge for
2019, don’t forget we’re hiring! (Especially software and data engineers!).
For more goodness follow me on Twitter: I’m gglanzani there!
Interested in Apache Airflow Training?
While we do a ton of work across the Apache ecosystem, you can tell we have a soft spot for Apache Airflow. You can sign up for our next training session, scheduled for May 23-24, 2019.
If you can’t make it, there’s always more scheduled and you can get in touch for a private, in-company session!
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: June 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: March 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: May 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: November 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: September and October 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: April 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: Augustus 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: December 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: February 2018 edition
- GoDataDriven Open Source Contribution for February 2019, the first Open Source Initiatives edition
- GoDataDriven Open Source Contribution for January 2019, the Apache Edition
- GoDataDriven Open Source Contribution for March and April 2019
- GoDataDriven Open Source Contribution for May and June 2019
- GoDataDriven Open Source Contribution for Q4 2019
- GoDataDriven open source contribution: July 2018 edition