Jeroen Overschie

Data and AI

Jeroen is a Machine Learning Engineer at Xebia Data. Jeroen has a background in Software Engineering and Data Science and helps companies take their Machine Learning solutions into production. Jeroen has worked extensively with all things Data Science, MLOps, GenAI/LLM’s and knows his way around tooling to deliver production-quality Python code.

Besides his usual work, Jeroen is active in the Open Source community. He published several PyPi modules, npm modules, and has contributed to several large open source projects (e.g. Hydra from Facebook and Emberfire from Google).

Upcoming courses

Data Visualization with Python

Create data visualizations in Python using several different libraries.

Lysanne van Beek

1 day
In Person


14 Aug, 2024



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Introduction to Generative AI

Get a non-technical introduction to the field of Generative AI and learn best practices when using Generative AI tools.

Lysanne van Beek

Generative AI
0.5 days
In Person


14 Aug, 2024



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Advanced Data Science with Python 

Dive deeper into Advanced Data Science with Python and develop your skills even further.

Data Science
2 days
In Person


15 – 16 Aug, 2024



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Machine Learning Explainability 

Learn how to apply Machine Learning explainability techniques based on implementations from popular packages. 

Lysanne van Beek

Machine Learning
1 day


29 Aug, 2024



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Certified Data Science with Python

Dive into the world of data science through data analysis and machine learning. Sign up for Data Science with Python.

Data Science
3 days
In Person


12 Aug, 2024



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Trainer expertise


Data and AI