Software Development | Software Technology
Checking out LiveViewJS Albert Brand 12 Jul, 2019
Java | VueJS
Theming in Vue single file components Albert Brand 15 Jan, 2019
Software Development
Building an AR app in a day Albert Brand 06 Jun, 2018
Java | React | Testing
De-mystifying Jest Snapshot Test Mocks Albert Brand 10 Apr, 2017
First Steps in gRPC Bindings for React Native Albert Brand 22 Feb, 2017
Mobile Development | Software Development
Linking Animations to Scroll Position in React Native Albert Brand 15 Dec, 2016
Java | React
Generic JS Android API wrapper for React Native Albert Brand 02 May, 2016
Java | NodeJS
Babel-free backend prototype - challenge accepted Albert Brand 08 Oct, 2015
Albert Brand 09 Sep, 2015
Albert Brand 11 Aug, 2015
Software Development
Cancelling $http requests for fun and profit Albert Brand 17 Feb, 2015
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