DevOps and SRE | Azure | Continuous Delivery | DevOps | GitHub | Microsoft Services | Software Technology Investigating az-cli performance on the hosted Azure Pipelines and GitHub Runners Jesse Houwing 02 Oct, 2023
Agile Transformation | DevOps | Digital Strategy | Digital Transformation | Industries | Leadership and Culture | Portfolio Management | Product Management | Scrum | Scrum at Scale Why agile? How agile vanishes hidden costs in 4 ways Irene de Kok 12 Apr, 2023
Agile Transformation | DevOps SPACEMAP - organising a motivational environment 23 Feb, 2018
Agile Transformation More Effective Team With Less Efficient Workers! Pieter Rijken 05 Sep, 2016 Theo Gerrits 05 Sep, 2016
Agile Transformation The right attitude towards Agile estimates/ forecasts & what playing golf has to do with it. Jens Broetzmann 27 Feb, 2016
Software Development The Union-Find Algorithm in Scala: a Purely Functional Implementation Misja Alma 21 Sep, 2015
Agile Architecture | Agile Transformation | Scrum Agile: how hard can it be?! Chris Lukassen 14 Dec, 2014
Agile Architecture | Agile Transformation About snowmen and mathematical proof why agile works Chris Lukassen 01 Dec, 2014
Agile Transformation Help! Too Many Incidents! - Capacity Assignment Policy In Agile Teams Pieter Rijken 20 Aug, 2014
Agile Architecture | Middleware | Software Development Why even Spray-can is Way Too Slow (for my purposes) Wilco Koorn 21 Aug, 2013
Java | Methodology | Performance | Testing Performance testing with Selenium and JMeter Mark Bakker 18 Nov, 2012
Agile Architecture | Data | Data Science and AI Design a large scale NoSQL/DataGrid application similar to Twitter. Michiel Sens 21 Oct, 2012
Java | Performance | Technology Testing GWT applications for capacity and performance Mark Bakker 14 Oct, 2012
Agile Architecture | Methodology | Performance | Testing The "Performance Series" Part 1. Test Driven Performance. Wilco Koorn 09 Oct, 2012
Agile Architecture 3-2-1 Bang! Summary of first Software Architecture Pressure Cooker meetup Gero Vermaas 20 Jun, 2012
Software Development | Cloud | Performance | Scala | Technology Scala Lists: Watch your append and prepends Jeroen van Erp 04 Apr, 2012
Agile Transformation | Performance Size does matter! Be careful to use velocity as measure for improvement Jarl Meijer 24 Nov, 2011
Agile Architecture | Data Science and AI Getting started with Node.js, npm, Coffeescript, Express, Jade and Redis Erwin van der Koogh 24 Jun, 2011
Middleware What happened to the Open Source performance monitoring and analysis tools Mark Bakker 22 Jun, 2011
Agile Architecture Web performance in seven steps: Summary and Conclusions Jeroen Borgers 20 Jan, 2010
Java | Performance | Technology Web performance in seven steps; Step 7: Share the responsibility for the whole chain Jeroen Borgers 18 Nov, 2009