As the PyData Amsterdam talks are posted online, suddenly there’s a lot of people from GoDataDriven you can check on YouTube! PyData conferences bring together users and developers of data analysis tools to share ideas and learn from each other. At PyData Amsterdam, the community gathers to discuss how best to apply Python tools, as well as tools using R and Julia, to meet evolving challenges in data management, processing, analytics, and visualization.
Just like in 2016 and 2017, GoDataDriven headed the organizing comittee of PyData Amsterdam 2018, bringing together over 350 Python enthusiasts at the offices in Amsterdam.
Besides organizing, quite a few GoDataDriven consultants submitted proposals for presentations. The following presentations have been recorded and are now available online:
Julian de Ruiter talks about ML in cancer research in his From Cells to Drug Responses presentation.
Kicky van Leeuwen explains why AI and Deep Learning in the Medical Field Both Sucks and Rocks with a case study Segmentation of 4D Heart MRI for Heart Function Analysis.
Niels Zeilemaker explains how to make self-driving Super Donkey Cars and how we modified the platform to retrain the Deep Learning network on a AWS GPU instance.
Giovanni Lanzani talks about using asyncio to consume data from a bitcoin exchange offering a websocket endpoint.
Rodrigo Agundez led a tutorial about Deep Learning with Keras and Tensorflow.
Robert Rodger shows How to Make a Text Summarization Tool for your Language of Choice.
Interested in more PyData? Then make sure to join the PyData Amsterdam group on Meetup.
Do you like these talks or would you like additional information on provided topics? Get in touch with consultants directly! You can be part of our team of Data Scientists and Data Engineers as well! We are hiring