Lean | Agile Transformation | Engineering Culture | Scrum Lean coffee "cheat sheet" Anton Lijcklama à Nijeholt 13 Nov, 2022
Agile Transformation | Lean | Product Management The secret to making people buy your product Chris Lukassen 07 Mar, 2017
Agile Transformation | Lean | Product Management The Best New Years Resolution: Agile Product Management Chris Lukassen 28 Dec, 2016
Agile Transformation | Lean | Product Management | Scrum The Customer Pain Map Chris Lukassen 15 Dec, 2016
Lean | Product Management | Security ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and Scrum 5 Ways to Make it Less Painful Chris Lukassen 15 Oct, 2016
Lean | Product Management | UX Writing Seven Reasons why Darth Vader is a Terrible Product Manager Chris Lukassen 30 Jul, 2016
Agile Transformation | Kanban | Lean | Scrum Bringing Agile to the Next Level Paul Takken 02 Nov, 2015
Agile Architecture | Agile Transformation | Lean UC Berkeley paper unveils what business leaders should learn from the Agile WikiSpeed case. Paul Takken 05 Feb, 2015
Agile Transformation | Continuous Delivery | Lean Continuous Delivery is about removing waste from the Software Delivery Pipeline Michiel Sens 17 Sep, 2014
Agile Architecture | Agile Transformation | Lean | Methodology | Scrum Architecture in an Agile world Niklas Odding 03 May, 2011
Domains | Agile Transformation | Lean | Methodology The Three C's of architecture Xebia Author 23 Apr, 2010