In this blog, we aim to inspire you to use Steampipe to analyze your cloud configuration. Steampipe is elegant, fast, and works with any API!
When analyzing cloud configurations, you often start by exploring the console to understand what is there. Once you have a grasp, you may start to use some shell scripts. Although shell scripts work well for simple queries, they quickly become complex when dealing with resource relationships. Enter Steampipe: Steampipe provides access to your cloud resource configurations through a plain old PostgreSQL engine!
Analyzing Your Cloud Configuration
Let’s say you want to check that all Google Pub/Sub configurations in your organization are robust. This means:
- Every topic has at least one subscription, preventing messages from disappearing.
- Every subscription has a dead-letter topic, ensuring failed messages are not lost.
- Every subscription has an exponential backoff configuration for retries, preventing rapid-fire retries.
Every topic has a subscription – shell script
Let’s look at the implementation of the first check: whether every topic has at least one subscription. According to chatGPT, the shell script will look like this:
projects=$(gcloud projects list --filter="parent.type:organization AND$ORG_ID" --format="value(projectId)")
for project in $projects; do
topics=$(gcloud pubsub topics list --project="$project" --format="value(name)")
if [ -z "$topics" ]; then
# No topics found in project: $project
for topic in $topics; do
subscriptions=$(gcloud pubsub subscriptions list --project="$project" --filter="topic:$topic" --format="value(name)")
if [ -z "$subscriptions" ]; then
echo "$topic"
This looks correct. Let’s run this:
$ time ./print-topics-without-subscriptions | tee topics-without-subscriptions.out
Topic projects/xyzabcdf/topics/custodian-auto-audit-notify-on-disallowed-services does not have any subscriptions.
Topic projects/ladilada/topics/cloud-builds does not have any subscriptions.
Topic projects/somehere/topics/bucket-events does not have any subscriptions.
./print-topics-without-subscriptions 41.29s user 8.21s system 24% cpu 3:23.29 total
$ wc -l topics-without-subscriptions.out
63 topics-without-subscriptions.out
It found over 63 topics without a subscription which took more than three minutes to retrieve. Let us see how this works with steampipe.
Install steampipe
First install Steampipe and the Google Cloud Platform plugin:
$ brew install turbot/tap/steampipe
$ steampipe plugin install gcp
generate the Steampipe configuration for gcp
Run the following script to generate a Steampipe configuration which allows you to query across all projects in your Google organization and replace the GCP plugin configuration at ~/.steampipe/config/gcp.spc
export org_id=$1
[[ -z $org_id ]] && echo "Usage: generate-gcp-org-steampipe-config <org-id>" && exit 1
projects=$(gcloud projects list
--filter="parent.type:organization AND"
connection "gcp_all" {
plugin = "gcp"
type = "aggregator"
connections = ["gcp_*"]
for project in $projects; do
cat <<!
connection gcp_$(sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g' <<< $project) {
plugin = "gcp"
project = "$project"
Now you are ready to use the plain old SQL!
Every topic has a subscription – Steampipe
The PostgreSQL query to find all topics without a subscription is shown below:
select * from gcp_all.gcp_pubsub_topic topic
where not exists (
select '' from gcp_all.gcp_pubsub_subscription sub
where ('' || sub.topic) = topic.self_link
To run this query, type:
$ time steampipe query topics-without-subscriptions.sql --output json > topics-without-subscriptions.json
steampipe query topics-without-subscriptions.sql --output json > 0.07s user 0.12s system 46% cpu 0.390 total
$ jq '.|length' topics-without-subscriptions.json
So here you get the same answer, but 200x as fast! Of course, you can now use SQL to count too:
select count(*) as total,
count( as with_subs,
count(*100/count(*) as percentage
from gcp_all.gcp_pubsub_topic topic
left outer join gcp_all.gcp_pubsub_subscription sub
on ('' || sub.topic) = topic.self_link
In our case, it tells us that only 7% of all our topics have a subscription.
Every subscription has a dead letter topic – steampipe
To find all subscriptions without a dead letter topic, use the following query:
select * from gcp_all.gcp_pubsub_subscription
where dead_letter_policy_topic is null
and name not like 'dead-letter-%' // exclude dead letter topic subscriptions
In our case, none of the subscriptions have a dead letter topic.
Every subscription has a exponential backoff – steampipe
Finally, to find all subscription without exponential backoff, use the following query:
select * from gcp_all.gcp_pubsub_subscription
where retry_policy_maximum_backoff is null
or retry_policy_minimum_backoff is null
Again in our case, none of the subscriptions have a backoff policy.
Steampipe plugins
The examples above use the Google Cloud Platform plugin, but Steampipe offers over 100 plugins ranging from GCP, AWS, Azure and Kubernetes to Google Sheets. This allows you to get insight into different platforms and products using the same language.
Steampipe IDE access
You can also start Steampipe on your local machine as Postgres database instance and use your favourite IDE to explore the tables and data.
Lastly, you do not have to write all queries yourself: you can find many example queries for compliancy checks on github.
steampipe is an awesome tool to analyze your cloud configurations. It is fast, and provides the well known SQL query language to explore your cloud configuration. The fact that any application with an API can be explored using steampipe, makes it a incredibly elegant tool in your toolbox.
The examples above show how to analyze your Google Cloud Platform configuration. But the same queries can be used for analyzing AWS, Azure, or any other platform that has a Steampipe plugin.
So, go ahead and try it!
Image by
Davinder Sanghafrom