On Tuesday, 11th February 2014, the second Dutch Annual Conference on Product Software will be held in Zeist, the Netherlands. For the second time, Prof. Sjaak Brinkkemper has found an interesting set of keynote speakers from the software business. This year’s theme is: Business in the Cloud.
Product software companies (ISVs) are constantly innovating and responding to technological developments, such as Cloud Computing. In the 2014 edition of the annual conference, the topic of Cloud will be the cornerstone subject. New business models, new platforms, privacy and security, App stores, Social Media and many other topics will be discussed.
Relevance for the industry
The program counsel has been able to create a very strong agenda. This counsel consists of key players such as Prof. Sjaak Brinkkemper (Utrecht University), Laurens van der Tang (Vitalhealth Software), Gijs Willem Sloof (Stabiplan), Bas Linders (Nederland ICT), Arco van Nieuwland (former Exact, now Yuki), Slinger Jansen (Utrecht University) and Jos Andeweg (Unit4). Get inspired by industry experts, and gain from the interactive parallel tracks!
Top keynotes
We have contributions from key people such as: Diederik Jekel (Presentor, Science Journalist), Prof. Dr. Joaquim Gromicho dos Santos (Manager, Software Development, ORTEC), Arco van Nieuwland (Founder & CTO, Yuki) and Michael A. Cusumano (SMR Distinguished Professor of Management & Engineering Systems, MIT Sloan School of Management).
Special parallel track offered by coMakeIT
Because coMakeIT is committed to the product software industry, we have decided to be a Gold Sponsor for this year’s conference. With this came the opportunity to offer a parallel track. We have chosen to fill this track with the help of Ruud Alaerds of Keala Consultancy. Ruud has a track record of 20 years in market research, and he is the perfect candidate to execute an in-depth research into Cloud adoption by ISVs, and especially the relation between Cloud and Business Models. Ruud is executing this research in the months before the Annual Conference, and the results will be presented at the conference. Hundreds of ISVs will be interviewed by Ruud and his team for this research.
High expectations
We have high expectations from the research Ruud and his team are undertaking. Cloud is a big thing, and we expect some very important insights to be found. The influence of Cloud on business models, organizational structure, development, sales and marketing might very well be huge. This development will definitely impact ISVs. What are they doing with it? Are they existing because of Cloud? Are they playing the waiting game? Or, is Cloud a threat they need to somehow counter? One thing is certain: cloud is going to be a game changer.
Previous research
Our previous research shows that ISVs are somewhat reluctant towards Cloud. Primary drivers for them are different, and more about top line. But, maybe these things appear to be more related than expected? Or is Cloud really the game changer that we have been ignoring so far? Read our blog on a research we did previously:
We are very curious to see the results of Keala’s Research. Of course, you are also invited to listen in to the parallel track titled: Cloud and its impact on Dutch Software companies.
Impression of last year’s edition
Last year too, we were part of this Conference. We made an impression of the 2013 edition that you can view in the video below:
Win a free ticket
As a Gold Sponsor, coMakeIT is offering a chance to win free tickets. Until the conference, we are holding a weekly draw for everybody who is registering with us. All contenders have a chance to win a free ticket, and everybody gets a discount code worth 100 euros! To take part in the draw, click the button below!