Java | Maven | Technology Maven appassembler Plugin: Dealing with Long Classpaths on Windows ShriKant Vashishtha 22 Nov, 2009
Technology | Maven Configuring a Seam EJB project for development with Maven and JBoss Tools Maarten Winkels 06 Jun, 2009
Java | Maven | Technology Watch out when filtering resources with Maven Boudewijn van Klingeren 02 Nov, 2008
Java | Maven | Technology Readable url’s in Wicket - An introduction to wicketstuff-annotation Jeroen van Wilgenburg 09 Oct, 2008
Java | Maven | Performance | Technology | Testing Beware of transitive dependencies... For they can be old and leaky Jeroen van Erp 15 Sep, 2008
Technology | Maven Using Groovy to keep your Maven and Fitnesse dependencies in sync Erik Pragt 29 Jul, 2008