Java | Maven | Technology Maven appassembler Plugin: Dealing with Long Classpaths on Windows ShriKant Vashishtha 22 Nov, 2009
Agile Architecture | Agile Transformation iCMG Architecture World 2009 Bangalore ShriKant Vashishtha 31 Jul, 2009
Agile Transformation Augmented Distributed Agile Teams - The Need of Local Retrospective ShriKant Vashishtha 21 May, 2009
Agile Architecture Refactoring Flex application from existing Adobe AIR codebase ShriKant Vashishtha 02 Mar, 2009
Uncategorized Getting through Popup Blockers with in Flex ShriKant Vashishtha 04 Jan, 2009
Java | Technology Article Series: "Automated code reviews with Checkstyle" on JavaWorld ShriKant Vashishtha 26 Nov, 2008
Agile Architecture Current Architectural Frameworks Developments in Flex ShriKant Vashishtha 08 Nov, 2008
Agile Transformation Knowledge Transfer in Agile Maintenance Projects ShriKant Vashishtha 15 Aug, 2008
Agile Transformation Preparing for Agile Maintenance - Knowledge Management ShriKant Vashishtha 14 Aug, 2008
Agile Architecture | Agile Transformation TDD vs good design/architecture principles ShriKant Vashishtha 01 May, 2008