Agile Leadership | Business | IT | Sociotechnical The Art of a Skilful Facilitator: Cultivating Psychological Safety, Trust, Transparency, and Clarity Galyna Dunaievska 25 Jul, 2023
Security | Agile Architecture | Chaos Engineering | DevSecOps | Secure Software Development | Sociotechnical | Software Technology Resilience, an introduction. Edzo Botjes 19 Nov, 2022
Agile Transformation | Agile Architecture | Agile Leadership | Global | Leadership and Culture | Sociotechnical Fostering knowledge transfer work towards T-shaped people by applying these 3 practices Irene de Kok 24 Oct, 2022
Agile Architecture | DDD | DevOps and SRE | Sociotechnical Coach your Architects in Agile Architecture! Kenny Baas-Schwegler 20 Jun, 2022
Threat Modelling | DevSecOps | Sociotechnical | Software Quality Using Wardley Mapping for optimizing your Threat Modeling strategy Dave van Stein 13 Oct, 2021
Collaborative Modelling | DDD | Event Storming | Sociotechnical EventStorming as a cultural assessment João Rosa , Evelyn van Kelle
DDD | DevOps | Sociotechnical Systems Thinking: define the problem, results and behaviour Evelyn van Kelle 30 Apr, 2021
DevSecOps | Security | Sociotechnical Improving Security by influencing Human Behavior Edzo Botjes 19 Feb, 2021
Engineering Culture | Sociotechnical | Software Quality | Team Reaching your objectives while handling the complexity of the organization 05 Feb, 2021
Continuous Delivery | Release Management | Sociotechnical | Software Quality | Software Technology | Testing Improving the quality of software delivery utilizing technology, process and people 15 Jan, 2021
Sociotechnical Organisational structures to create autonomy: what I've learned from my daughter João Rosa 26 Nov, 2020
Podcast | Sociotechnical If something is too complex to understand, it must be wrong Evelyn van Kelle 22 Sep, 2020
Chaos Engineering | Engineering Culture | Sociotechnical | Software Quality | Team Thriving in a complex world of uncertainty, ambiguity and volatility 10 Apr, 2020