Cloud | Scala | Technology Scala ORM with Squeryl - A simple getting started guide Jeroen van Wilgenburg 25 Jun, 2011
Java | Scala | Technology Annoyed by traffic lights? - Solve it with a gps logger, Scala, GeoTools and qGis Jeroen van Wilgenburg 02 Feb, 2011
Java | Technology Websockets from scratch - Results from a short techrally Jeroen van Wilgenburg 15 Dec, 2010
Scala | Technology Unleashing the power of geospatial indexing with Scala and MongoDB Jeroen van Wilgenburg 28 Mar, 2010
Java Java callout on the Oracle / AquaLogic Service Bus - Invoking static methods in any jar file Jeroen van Wilgenburg 11 Oct, 2009
Java | Technology | Testing Unit testing a Stripes ActionBean wired with Spring Beans Jeroen van Wilgenburg 16 Dec, 2008
Java | Technology Sorting and pagination with Hibernate Criteria - How it can go wrong with joins Jeroen van Wilgenburg 11 Dec, 2008
Java | Maven | Technology Readable url’s in Wicket - An introduction to wicketstuff-annotation Jeroen van Wilgenburg 09 Oct, 2008