Introduction To Azure AD Access Packages and How We Used Them In A Real-World Customer Scenario
How great would it be if users could enroll to a set of Azure AD Groups, Applications or SharePoint sites themselves, instead of jumping through all kinds of bureaucratic hoops before access has been granted and the user can do their actual job?
Not only would this be great for the end user, but also from the administrator’s point of view this would be the ideal scenario. Instead of maintaining a custom enrollment process with a lot of manual steps, this process shifts the action to the end users themselves. This makes it possible for the administrator to focus on maintaining a secure and compliant system, instead of doing repetitive simple tasks.
As I will show you in this article, access packages are here to do just that! I will dive deeper into what these packages are all about. Firstly, I will explain what these packages are, what choices you have when setting them up, and how a basic use flow will look like.
After the basics are clear, I will give a real-world customer use case of how we at Xpirit Managed Service leveraged Access Packages to create a highly automated enrollment process for a complex Identity and Access Management scenario.
What are Access Packages?
In essence, access packages are a way to manage access to Azure resources in a streamlined and efficient manner. With these packages, you can group together a set of Azure resources that are typically used by the same team or group of users and assign specific access permissions to that package.
In addition to streamlining access management, they also provide self-service capabilities for end-users. This means that users can request access to specific packages themselves, rather than having to go through an IT administrator or department. When a user requests access to package, an approver can review the request. This provides an additional layer of control and ensures that access to resources is always aligned with the organization’s security and compliance requirements.
To be able to leverage access packages you need an Azure AD P2 or Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) E5 license.
Configuration of an Access Package
The packages live in Catalogues which are containers for one or more packages. After you have given the package a name and description you proceed by adding the resources you want the users to enroll on. These can be Azure AD Groups, Enterprise Applications and/or SharePoint sites.
The next step is to decide who can enroll to the package. There are 3 main options.
Users in your directory
This option makes it possible to further specify whether all members, or specific users, may request access to this package. Furthermore, you can decide if manual approval is needed. If yes, you can determine if users need to write a justification, if the user’s manager or a specific other user (or users) will be the approver, and in what timespan the decision must be made. It is even possible to create a second line of approvers for when the first approver did not decide in the given time span.
In short, with this option, it becomes possible to really create a granular least privilege structure for your access packages. By doing so it becomes easy to align to the company’s policies and governance regarding User Access Management.
Users not in your directory
With this option, it becomes possible to specify particular external organizations, open up enrollment to all connected organizations, or to select all users meaning all connected users plus any new external users. With this option, you can add or skip the approval flow.
None (administrator direct assignment only)
This last option means that only administrators can add people to the access package. This is the best option if there is no approval flow in place and users should not be able to enroll themselves in the packages.
If needed, you can ask users for additional information when applying for access by using custom parameter fields. You can determine a lifecycle for the access package assignment. And finally, you can determine whether an access review is needed. The idea behind these access reviews is to check if all package enrollments are legitimate and up-to-date.
Self-Service Onboarding
After you have setup the catalogue and created one or more access packages, a typical happy flow self-service scenario would look something like this:

The end-user goes to Myaccess.microsoft.com and after login with his/her Azure AD Credentials, the landing page with all available packages will be shown. The user can request access for the desired packages after which an approver receives an e-mail with the pending approval. After approval, the user receives feedback via e-mail and gets the resource roles that are given to the access package.
Customer Use Case: Automated User Onboarding in a Web Application with Complex Roles and rights structure.
So far, we have looked at the fairly straightforward self-service scenario in which access packages can play a very useful role. But there are more use cases for access packages. At Xpirit Managed Services (XMS) we used them in a slightly different manner. We received a request from our customer to build an automated onboarding process for their Azure AD users. The user should be able to login to the web application using SSO and should be automatically assigned to the correct roles and projects.
What makes this challenging is the fact that this application has a complex roles and rights structure. It is made up of 20+ separate projects, all with three or more separate roles per project. A quick calculation shows that we are talking about 60+ project/role combinations. Several hundred users should be able to be enrolled in multiple projects and have potentially multiple roles within these projects.
Then there are special key users who should be able to have elevated rights in multiple projects and users who only need to have reading rights in all projects. To make it even more complex, the users are all from different companies working together in this project.
In the next part, I will explain what we came up with to solve this challenge.
SSO and Roles Mapping
To make SSO possible an App Registration + Enterprise Application already was in place. The first step was to map all the roles from the application, to App Roles in the App Registration. In the JSON Manifest this looks like this:
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "ProjectX_RoleY",
"displayName": "Project X Role Y",
"id": "8e9bd73b-e64f-46e5-b4b6-481234",
"isEnabled": true,
"lang": null,
"origin": "Application",
"value": " ProjectX_RoleY "
The next step is to map Azure AD (AAD) Groups onto these App Roles. There is a 1-on-1 mapping between the App Roles and the AAD Groups. The mapping has to be done in the Enterprise Application. To make this more rigid and maintainable, we placed the App Registration JSON manifest in a Git repository and created an Azure CLI script to update this manifest using the az ad app update
Finally, to make the mapping between the App Roles and AAD Groups, a PowerShell script loops over all AD Groups like:
foreach ($group in $aadGroups) {
$role = $roles | Where-Object -Property value -eq
$params = @{
PrincipalId = "$($group.Id)"
ResourceId = "[Resource-Id]"
AppRoleId = "$($role.Id)"
New-MgGroupAppRoleAssignment -GroupId $group.Id -BodyParameter $params
With this mechanism the first part of the puzzle is solved. Now the users need to be enrolled in the AAD Groups. It is time for the access packages to make their entrance.
Access Packages
For every project, 3 separate packages were created corresponding the roles (and the AAD Groups) in the application: the Approver, Contributor and Manager. In these packages, the corresponding AAD Groups are selected and also a Default Users AD Group is added, which is mapped to the global reader role in the application.
Furthermore, for the Key Users and Reader Only users, separate packages were created with all the appropriate AD Groups. For this use case this functionality really shines because with a single enrollment, the user is added to all these AD Groups at once.
Because the end users in this scenario don’t know to which access packages they belong (at least for now), the self-enrollment options were disabled and instead “administrator assignment only” was the way to go. Also, because the administration and approval of user assignment is done beforehand, the approval flow could be disabled as well. No end-date on the enrollment was needed because users that are no longer eligible to be in an Access Package are automatically removed (I will explain more on this later).
The access packages are not created in an automated way because this was a one-time job and can be done pretty easily from the Azure Portal.
With the access packages in place, we came to our final step: the enrollment of users into the packages.
User enrollment
For the user enrollment, the goal was to create a solution that fits the XMS way of working. At XMS we always seek to work together with our customers and thereby enable a customer to work in a DevOps way. By doing so. It is important that we don’t create boundaries between different stakeholders or between the business and IT, but work together and build smart processes in which repeated tasks are automated as much as possible.
In this case, where a traditional service provider would setup a ticketing system in which the customer can ask to enroll new users, we wanted to make this a collaborative and smooth process. This process now consists of 3 steps:
- For every access package, a simple .CSV file was created in which the customer can add or delete users as desired:
User Z;userz@example.com;Project X | Role Y
- These .CSV files are part of a repository and the customer can create a PR with the new changes. These PRs are validated by the XMS team.
- After the PR is merged, an Azure DevOps pipeline is triggered that runs a script to enroll the users from the CSVs. It also creates a new AD Guest User if the user does not exists in our tenant. Finally, a check is done on removed users from the CSV file. These get removed from the packages as well.
Some code snippets from this script:
# Invite user if not yet exists
New-MgInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress "$($user.Email.Trim())" -InviteRedirectUrl "https://example.com/invite -SendInvitationMessage:$true
# We check if the user already is member of the package and if not, the user is added.
$check = Compare-Object -DifferenceObject $assignments.Target.ObjectId -ReferenceObject
$AADuser.Id -ExcludeDifferent
if ($null -eq $check) {
$policy = $accessPackage.AccessPackageAssignmentPolicies[0]
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentRequest -AccessPackageId $accessPackage.Id - AssignmentPolicyId $policy.Id -TargetId $AADuser.Id
Write-Host "User $($user.Displayname) is added to Access Package"
#We check if there are differences between the CSV and the assignments and if yes, we remove the users.
$check = Compare-Object -DifferenceObject $assignments2.TargetId -ReferenceObject $userid
Write-Host "Differences in IDs: $($check2.InputObject)"
if ($null -ne $check2) {
foreach ($assignment in $check2.InputObject) {
#Get AssignmentId for user that has to be removed
$assignmentId = ($assignments2 | Where-Object {
$_.TargetId -eq $assignment }).Id
New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentRequest -AccessPackageAssignmentId $assignmentId -RequestType "AdminRemove"
Write-Host "Removed $assignment"
Write-Host 'No users removed'
Future improvements
This process has been running for a few months and we are quite happy with it. Also, it is important to state that we take on these kind of challenges iteratively. What started with the customer sending us Excel sheets and us enrolling the users manually to the access packages (and thereby already adding value for our customer because the users could access the application with the correct roles), evolved towards the process it is now.
This does not mean it is a perfect solution and there is still room for further improvement. The next step would be to move towards self-service. We must make sure the access packages correspond to what the end users understand. We can appoint approvers at every separate company. With this in place we should be able to remove the CSV-files (and more importantly the maintenance of these CSVs) entirely. This will result in a simpler, leaner process.
To conclude
This article has shown what access packages are, what is their potential and how they can be useful in self-service scenarios.
In our customer use case, I showed that these packages can be a valuable piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating a maintainable solution for a complex Identity and Access Management scenario.
If you have any questions about this subject or how you could use access packages in your environment, don’t hesitate to reach out!