If you want to know which variables are available during your build, or if you want people to create variables with a specific prefix and want to do anything with that, then you need access to the list of all available variables.
Though it’s easy to access a specific variable by name using the Get-Variable cmdlet, it’s not so easy to access all variables. Plus, the Get-Variable command only works when you know the full name beforehand.
Using the below function you receive a dictionary with the name and current value of each variable. You can use it to build tasks that use convention over configuration and retrie a list of all variables that start with a prefix you expect:
$MyVariables = (Get-Variables $distributedTaskcontext).Keys | ?{ $_.StartsWith("MyPrefix.") }
Use te cmdlet below to fetch all variables and do with them what you like:
function Get-Variables{
[switch] $safe = $false
Write-Debug "Entering: Get-Variables"
$type = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Agent.Interfaces.IServiceManager]
$variableService = $type.GetMethod("GetService").MakeGenericMethod([Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Agent.Interfaces.IVariableService]).Invoke($distributedTaskContext, @())
$dictionary = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]" ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
if ($safe.IsPresent)
Write-Debug "Leaving: Get-Variables"
return $dictionary
I used this little snippet to create a new build task which can expand the value of nested variables. You can find it here: