
The Serverless lifecycle: is it really that different?

05 Jul, 2017
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In today’s world, technological innovation is moving at breakneck speed. It was only 15 years ago that we were deploying applications on bare metal servers using floppy disks. Since then, we have moved to virtual machines, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS). And recently we’ve moved into a world where container technology is starting to become mainstream. The next step is serverless computing. Or, as Martin Fowler describes this in his blog, Functions as a Service (FaaS) and Backend as a Service (BaaS). This is yet another “*aaS” to keep in mind when selecting your hosting platform. And just like any other application, a serverless application requires proper lifecycle management. In this article, we’ll discuss this serverless lifecycle, and see where it differs from “normal” applications that you all know.

Serverless computing

So what is serverless computing? Of course there is still a server involved somewhere. It’s just not managed by you, but by a cloud provider. For a thorough explanation, please read the article The (r)evolution of Cloud Computing elsewhere in this magazine. As far as this article is concerned, we think that serverless can best be seen as PaaS++.

When it comes to FaaS, both Amazon and Microsoft offer cloud-based solutions. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers AWS Lambda and Microsoft’s Azure offers Azure Functions. This article primarily focuses on the Azure stack, but it also applies to AWS.

The Serverless Lifecycle

A serverless application is usually very small, but nevertheless it is still an application. And as already mentioned, every application has a lifecycle and this lifecycle needs to be managed. The FaaS implementation in Azure, Azure Functions, is fairly new, and the marketing around Azure Functions focuses a lot on the easy and friction-free editing experience “in the browser”. Although this is very powerful, it is also very dangerous and it may even be unwanted when it comes to a production application. Just like the infamous “Right-click, Publish” experience in Visual Studio, this lets you publish your application straight to production without following any process at all. Of course, there are rights and security, but still, imagine what happens when someone “accidentally” edits a heavily used production function.



Will requirements change for serverless applications? Surely it depends on how you define your requirements, but requirements should describe the functional and non-functional part of an application, while staying away from technical implementation details. A serverless architecture deals with the technical implementation of a requirement. The process of gathering and refining requirements itself should not change.


The impact on your development cycle is probably higher. There are a lot of choices to be made up-front. Which language are you going to use? Azure Functions supports many languages like C#, Python, Node.JS, Powershell, PHP, etc. And which IDE are you going to use? The most important thing is to think ahead and define your test, build and release strategy to make a good choice. For example, if you want unit tests as well as a build and a release pipeline, editing your code directly in a web browser is probably not the best option. Let’s have a look at our development strategy and the options you have.

What are we developing?

When you build a serverless app, you can download a project template in Visual Studio and get started. However, in most cases this is not enough. Your application (or should we say function) probably needs a backend, a data store, Azure Blob Storage or a MongoDB. You can create this manually and configure your function accordingly, but in the modern DevOps world we should strive to automate everything. This means that you should develop the infrastructure for your application together with that application itself, using the infrastructure-as-code paradigm to enable fully automated deployment. Whether you’re using an ARM template on Azure, CloudFormation on AWS, or Docker containers on a hosted cluster, in each case you need to develop both the application code and the infrastructure code.


How to develop

And then there is the question of how you are going to develop your code. Focusing on Azure Functions as a platform with C# as your language of choice means that you have four options to develop serverless applications.

Write code directly in the browser

The fastest way to create an Azure Function is to write, test and monitor it directly in the browser. However, ease of use comes at a cost. You don’t have a pipeline, unit tests or even a backing source control repository, so it is probably not suitable for your enterprise application, where a higher level of traceability and control is usually required.
However, creating and editing directly in the browser is great for rapid prototyping, quickly trying out an idea, or creating a small application that you’ll use only for yourself.

Connect a repository to Azure Functions

Using Azure Functions, you can connect an existing repository to your Azure Function, resolving the source control issue. You have various options for the type of repository that you want to use, for instance a repository in VSTS or GitHub, but solutions like OneDrive and Dropbox are also an option.

Whenever a change is committed or saved in the repository, this will be deployed automatically. In the case of OneDrive or Dropbox, this happens whenever somebody changes a file. In case of a Git repository, deployment is always connected to a specific branch (e.g. master). This gives you a bit more control, since you can use branch policies to control which code is merged into that branch. But still, for larger organizations where an application typically goes through different stages of testing and acceptance before ending up in production, this does not provide the required level of control.
This mode of development & deployment is most suited for small teams that write small applications and don’t need the additional verification steps provided by a build and release pipeline.

Using your favorite IDE and its capabilities

If you want to step it up a notch, you could make use of the power of your favorite IDE. This means that you can run your Azure Functions locally, allowing you to debug them. And if you develop them like any regular application, you can use familiar practices to get things like traceability and controlled releases in place. Code is stored in source control and you can create a build & release pipeline (see Technical Introduction to Microsoft Azure Functions) to publish your functions to Azure.
When you write Azure Functions in C#, you should be familiar with the Visual Studio Tools for Azure Functions. They let you create an Azure Functions project inside Visual Studio, with some nice boilerplate code already in place. The only challenge that remains in this scenario is testing. Testing your Azure functions written as a C# Script File (CSX) is quite limited. The Visual Studio Tools for Azure Functions will give you the local compile, build & debug experience with things like breakpoints, watches, etcetera. However, running unit tests on CSX files is not possible. This means that most of your local testing will be manual, which is not sustainable in today’s world, where the focus of your testing should be at the unit test level (The Test Pyramid concept). Because of this limitation, we recommend using the precompiled assembly’s approach, as described in the following paragraph.
However, Azure Functions supports quite a few other languages (like Node.js and PHP) for which unit testing is very well possible. If you’re using any of those, then the Azure Functions CLI will let you run and debug your Azure Function locally . Using this approach allows you to develop enterprise grade applications using Azure Functions.

Write CSX files and reference a C# class library


When you’re writing C# and want to stay close to the usual development flow, the best alternative is to use a precompiled assembly that you can reference in your CSX file, leaving your CSX as nothing more than a wrapper around a “normal” class library . When you use the class library, you can use the default toolset for Unit Testing and all other features you are used to in Visual Studio, storing things in Source Control, creating builds, releases, and still have a state-of-the-art serverless function.
The following table summarizes the options for development as outlined before:
Source control Testing Deployment Typical application
Write code directly in the browser None Manual testing using e.g. Postman or curl Code is published directly when you click “Save” Rapid prototyping
Connect a repository to Azure Functions Basic (e.g. OneDrive) to full (e.g. Git) Possible, but no integration Straight from the repository to production Small teams with no need for build & release pipeline
Using your favorite IDE and its capabilities Full C#/CSX: No unit testing, other languages: full Full build & release pipeline Enterprise scale applications
Write CSX files and reference a C# class library Full Full Full build & release pipeline Enterprise scale applications


The purpose of a build pipeline is to produce artifacts that can be deployed throughout multiple environments. For example, when you create a normal web application, you build an MSDeploy package that you provide with the right values for its parameters in your release pipeline. Or, when you use containers, your build pipeline will turn into a “bakery” to produce a container and publish it to a container repository so it can be used on any hosting platform that supports containers.
When it comes to your serverless application, your build will be the same as what you are used to. The build produces the binaries and other files for your application, the artifacts to create the underlying infrastructure, and it will have some configuration settings that can be modified during the deployment in your release pipeline.
Performing tests that do not require a running application are typically also something you want to include in your builds. For example, the Unit Tests and the ARM validation for your infrastructure code.


The hardest stage of the application lifecycle (as mentioned before) is the Test stage. In a continuous delivery workflow, continuously testing and getting feedback about the steps you executed is critical, throughout the entire lifecycle of your application. Ideally, the effort you spend on creating different kinds of tests should be distributed according to the Test Pyramid.


When you create a web service or an API in the traditional way, you create unit tests to test the inner workings of your methods (unit level) and API tests to validate and ensure the correct implementation of the interface (service level). At a later stage, integration tests are required to test relationships to other components or services (UI level). In the end you will need some load tests to validate whether your service can perform under load as well.
All these test types are also relevant in a serverless context. However, when you create a serverless application, the question is whether all the tests should bear the same weight as when you use a traditional development method for your application.
At the unit level, you will want to use some form of manual testing on your functions. The Azure Functions documentation describes manual testing with some http clients like Postman or Curl . As mentioned before, this is simple and easy to use, but not sustainable when you have a large number of functions that need to be tested and maintained. For automated unit testing you will want to use the capabilities of your IDE, as described in the previous chapter.
For API and integration testing (at the service and UI level) your function will need to be running and be accessible from the outside. Of course there is the emulator to run your Azure Function locally, but at some point you will want to run your function more “real”. This involves deploying and running your function somewhere, as described in the Release phase.
When it comes to load testing, it is fairly easy to run these tests in the normal manner. But the question that we really should ask ourselves is: Is this still required? A serverless application is defined by the fact that it is small and that you only focus on the functionality and not the underlying platform. Does it make sense to load test your function? What are you really testing – the functionality or the underlying platform?
In some cases load testing does make sense, for example if you want to test whether concurrent calls have any impact on shared data or underlying data stores. However, scalability and availability of the application should be a given when using serverless.


Whereas the build pipeline is probably not very different for a serverless application, the release pipeline certainly is! There are two considerations to bear in mind when thinking about deploying your application towards production.
• How do you deal with different environments for testing
• How do you deal with different versions of the same application

Different environments or just a different version?

The first thing we need to decide when answering this question is whether or not we really need a separate environment to test our serverless application. What if we test “in production” using a new version of a function and not yet release it to the public?
When it comes to the serverless application itself, i.e. the Azure Function, it does not really matter where you store it. It is the trigger or backend that introduces the need for a different environment.
There are two options for serving different functionality in your function: using feature toggles or deploying to a separate environment.

Using feature toggles

Feature toggles are a way to modify system behavior in a running application . When you use feature toggles, you need a mechanism to switch the toggle. A possible way to do this would be to create some Feature Toggle Functions that can add, update or get a value for a specific toggle from a data store. Your App Function (which implements the actual functionality) can use the Feature Toggle Functions to get the value for specific toggles, and determine its own behavior accordingly. This lets you update (or change) the functionality of your App Function at runtime.


Deploying to a separate environment

If you prefer your functions to always exhibit the same behavior, a better approach might be to switch towards a different deployment for every “environment” and version, and use an API Manager to direct the traffic to the right endpoints. If you consider the fact that each new version is a new deployment, running on a different URL, you can probably imagine this will be hard to maintain and communicate with the consumers of your serverless app. An API manager like Azure API Management can help you in routing your traffic to the right endpoints.


The lightweight version of this is Azure Function Proxies.
If a consumer asks for version 2 of a service, API management will redirect him correctly to the right function implementation, without the user knowing the original URL. If you expand this concept to different environments (such as a test environment), you can configure API Management to redirect the user to a specific environment based on a specific property of the request (such as a header or request parameter, like an API key). This is completely transparent for end users and easy to configure. You can even update API Management through its own API, so that you can automatically expose new functions or versions from your release pipeline.
Of course you need to take care of access control on API Management and make sure the right environments are called, but the concept is clear and transparent.
The release pipeline still deploys the bits to different environments, and API Management is just another artifact that can be configured from within the pipelines.

Operate and Monitor

The last phase in our Lifecycle is Operate and Monitor. Monitoring is required, just like with any other application. While traditional operational monitoring on metrics such as CPU, memory and disk usage is not needed, you still have some responsibilities when you release a serverless function to the world. At least you need to make sure the function is still running as intended, and is not generating any errors. It is also very valuable to check whether the function is actually used.
Azure Functions provides a number of basic monitoring features, which can be accessed from the Azure Portal or from the Azure command line. If you need more advanced monitoring, you can implement Microsoft Application Insights, which distinguishes between four kinds of monitoring.


The idea of using a serverless platform is that you don’t need to worry about availability, because the platform takes care of this. In that respect, performance is also taken care of by the platform, except for specific situations.
In addition, Diagnostics and Usage are both very relevant. You want to know whether your function is working properly, and if not, the cause of the failure. Usage statistics are valuable because you can use these metrics to decide whether you can phase out a function, or which function is a candidate for optimization.


Creating a serverless application is not that different from creating any other application. The tools allow you, and sometimes even encourage you, to do it in a simple way. However, usually it is advisable to think ahead and to make some decisions up front. When you consider putting your application in production, treat your serverless application just like any production application. Utilize powerful tools like an IDE, think about your test strategies, create build and release pipelines and gather metrics. Azure Functions offers great support for multiple languages and any language is the right choice. Managing your application lifecycle correctly is what makes the difference!


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