Lately I’ve given many workshops to all kinds of customers of my employer Xpirit about the automatic deployment of Azure resources. Mainly with VSTS.
I noticed customers would like to have ready to use ARM Templates.
Of course there are the valuable Azure Quickstart templates (or via the portal) which I use a lot. Sometimes these templates offer a complete solution. Mainly I use these templates to have, as the name tells, a quick start, for creating ARM templates fast.
Another way to get the ARM Template you wish is to download it after creating a resource through the Azure portal. These generated ARM Templates are nice for a reference, but are too generic. To use these templates in your automatic deployment pipeline you will have some work to do.
Besides this, I create ARM Templates a lot lately. For demo’s and for the Dutch Azure Meetup. I would like to reuse the templates easier myself and offer these templates to the community.
For these reasons I decided to start collecting the ARM Templates I have used to create resources in Azure. You can find the ARM Templates here. The templates are meant to be used right away.
For now ARM templates can be used per Resource type. You can use two types of ARM templates for the same resource.
One standard version where the user of the template decides what the name of the created resource will be.
Most enterprises I’ve visited don’t want to think about the way resources are named in Azure, but wants a consistent way of naming. When it’s possible to pass a name to a resource, they will end up with all kinds of naming conventions. For this reason the ARM templates are offered with a namingconvention also. This version of the Enterprise ARM templates passes metadata to tags of the resources also.