When you look at Google Cloud services like Source Repository and Cloud Build, you would think it is very easy to create a CI/CD build pipeline. I can tell you: it is! In this blog I will show you how to create a serverless CI/CD pipeline for a Docker image, using three resources in Terraform.
Create a Serverless CI/CD Pipeline
To create a serverless CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Platform, you have to:
- Create a Google Source Repository.
- Define a trigger to start a Google Cloud Build on push.
- Add a Cloud Build definition to your Source Repository.
- Push your code.
There are really just four steps. That is all!
Create a Google Source Code Repository
You create a google source code repository with this terraform snippet:
resource google_sourcerepo_repository image {
name = "paas-monitor"
depends_on = [google_project_service.sourcerepo]
Define a Trigger
Then next step is to create a trigger that will start a Cloud Build job when you push to the master branch
This is how you do it:
resource google_cloudbuild_trigger image {
project = google_sourcerepo_repository.image.project
trigger_template {
branch_name = "master"
repo_name = google_sourcerepo_repository.image.name
filename = "cloudbuild.yaml"
depends_on = [
Create a Cloud Build Definition
You also need to create a Cloud Build job, which can build your code. This is how
you do that: add a definition file called cloudbuild.yaml. This file defines the steps to take to perform the build. Each step is executed by a specific Docker image, mounted on running in the checked out workspace. Our build has two steps: git fetch
and make snapshot
as our build process uses
a Makefile for building and releasing Docker images.
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/git
args: ["fetch", "--unshallow", "--tags"]
- name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
entrypoint: make
- snapshot
I was very happy to learn that the Docker builder has both git
and make
Manage Access to the Source Repository
You can define an IAM policy to manage access to the source repository. Here’s another
terraform snippet that can help with that:
resource google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_policy image {
project = google_sourcerepo_repository.image.project
repository = google_sourcerepo_repository.image.name
policy_data = data.google_iam_policy.image.policy_data
data google_iam_policy image {
binding {
role = "roles/source.reader"
members = []
binding {
role = "roles/source.writer"
members = ["user:${var.email}"]
binding {
role = "roles/source.admin"
members = [
There are two policy bindings defined here:
* Administrator rights to the Cloud Build service account.
* Write access to user with the specified email
Seeing it all Work Together
To see it all in action, type the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/binxio/blog-serverless-ci-cd-of-docker-images-with-google-cloud-platform.git
cd blog-serverless-ci-cd-of-docker-images-with-google-cloud-platform
and deploy it:
export TF_VAR_email=$(gcloud config get-value account)
export TF_VAR_project=$(gcloud config get-value project)
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
This script will create:
* A source code repository named paas-monitor
with write permission for your email account.
* A build trigger on the code repository.
Installing the Git Remote Helper
Before you can push to a Google Source Repository, you need to configure your local git install to use
your gcloud credentials for authentication.
git config --global
Cloning the Source Repository
To see the pipeline in action, clone my paas-monitor repository.
git clone https://github.com/mvanholsteijn/paas-monitor.git
cd paas-monitor
Pushing to Google Source Repository
With the credentials in place and the source checked out, you can now push to the Google Source Repository:
git remote add
gcp $(gcloud source repos
describe paas-monitor --format 'value(url)')
git push gcp --tags
git push gcp
You just started the build process with a git push to the master branch. To view the build, type gcloud builds list
gcloud builds list
d3a313b8-ec30-442d-af0f-b9d5a10f788a 2019-12-07T17:54:24+00:00 53S paas-monitor@master - SUCCESS
To view the logs for this build, type this (substituting the build id with yours)
gcloud builds log d3a313b8-ec30-442d-af0f-b9d5a10f788a
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REMOTE BUILD OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
starting build "d3a313b8-ec30-442d-af0f-b9d5a10f788a"
Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/.git/
From https://source.developers.google.com/p/speeltuin-mvanholsteijn/r/paas-monitor
* branch 23f349221c561dced520606ea0a144c4f04dab95 -> FETCH_HEAD
HEAD is now at 23f3492 added cloudbuild.yaml
Alternatively you can go to the Cloud Build console.
As the pipeline can be created with as little as two resources, I recommend to add these straight into your Terraform template.
With Terraform it is very easy to create a completely serverless CI/CD pipeline on Google Cloud Platform. By changing the Cloud Build specification, you can use this setup to build or deploy anything you want!
Checkout the [entire source code for this blog] (blog-serverless-ci-cd-with-google-cloud-platform/pipeline.tf at master)