
Scrum Master Scan

11 Mar, 2018
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There was a point you were a Scrum Master for the first time. Maybe you read about Scrum and decided the Scrum Master role would be perfect for you, or maybe your company chose to work with Scrum and pointed you out as the Scrum Master. Either way, there was a day one as a Scrum Master, you started learning about Scrum, about people, about organizations and a lot more.
As Scrum Masters, we never stop learning. I learn every day, I experiment, I broaden, deepen and share my knowledge, and I challenge myself to keep learning. To find new suitable ways to facilitate, new models to use when coaching people, games to bring things across, etc.
I fail, and I learn, I succeed, and I learn. I do assessments, and I fail; I do assessments, and I pass. But in all these activities I learn. But in which areas can I learn most?
As a part of the learning process of a Scrum Master, we developed a Scrum Master Scan.
To see at which points you have learned and at what point you have room to learn more. The scan is an online survey with almost 90 questions. The result is a graphical display with a score on three areas, attitude & behavior, craftsmanship, and results. Are you a Scrum Master and want to use the Scrum Master Scan, please contact
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