Apache Mahout is a machine learning library that leverages the power of Hadoop to implement machine learning through the MapReduce paradigm. One of the implemented algorithms is collaborative filtering, the most successful recommendation technique to date. The basic idea behind collaborative filtering is to analyze the actions or opinions of users to recommend items similar to the one the user is interacting with.
Memory-based collaborative filtering algorithms can be roughly divided in two categories: user-based and item-based.
User-based collaborative filtering
The main idea behind user-based collaborative filtering is that it determines whether a user is similar to a cluster of users (all similar to each other in one or another way), and then suggests products based on what the cluster of users likes. This approach usually employs nearest-neighbors techniques to determine to which cluster(s) a user belong, and it is the usual choice when the number of items in the catalogue is much larger than the number of users (think about Amazon).
Item-based collaborative filtering
On the other hand, item-based collaborative filtering is used when the number of users is much larger than the number of items on the catalogue. You could think of a fast-paced real estate broker, an old-time cars reseller (this is the example we will use throughout this post), etc.
To determine whether two items are similar, the algorithm analyzes the behavior of all users that interacted with both items and, after some renormalization, a similarity measure comes out, say $s_{ij}$, that says how much item $u_i$ is similar to item $u_j$. It is important to note that the similarity between $u_i$ and $u_j$ is not based on the products (for example price, color, intended use), but merely on the interactions that the users had with them.
To make an example: if a lot of users had similar interactions with a Ferrari Testarossa, and at the same moment, they would have similar interactions with a Fiat 500, it would not imply that the two cars are similar (although they’re both Italian): it would show items that are similar according to user interaction!
A possible issue with this approach
At GoDataDriven, we had exactly the Testarossa/500 issue at one of our clients. We would see, in our tests, that cars that were unrelated were ranked by the system as (very) similar. The way we were invoking Mahout on the input data was
mahout itemsimilarity --input $SCORES --output $OUTPUT_PEARSON
This means that we were using the out-of-the-box Pearson product moment correlation from Mahout. After having analyzed the input data (which was in the $SCORES
folder), we saw something interesting: the Testarossa/500 issue (and many other similar to that), surfaced because two users (which could have been the same but with a different IP address) were having exactly the same interactions with both items.
Enter the Co-occurrence similarity algorithm
The solution to the problem was quite clear. We had to filter all those recommendations originated by the interactions of less than $x$ users (later we set that number to 3). The ‘how’ turns out to be the interesting part, as it always is with engineering problems (says a theoretical physicist).
Luckily Mahout can compute similarities with the co-occurrence algorithm, where the similarity measure is simply given by how many users have interacted with the two objects, i.e. our $x$! To call Mahout this time we can simply use
mahout itemsimilarity --input $SCORES --output $OUTPUT_COOCCURRENCE
Merging the data
Once we have the output of the two recommendations algorithms, the last step is to merge the data. We used Hive for the merging process, with the following script:
-- Remember that Mahout output is in the form (id1, id2, score)
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE cooccurrence_mahout
(object_id1 BIGINT, object_id2 BIGINT, score FLOAT)
(object_id1 BIGINT, object_id2 BIGINT, score FLOAT)
-- The following is a simple join on the first two columns
CREATE TABLE recommendations
SELECT p.object_id1, p.object_id2, p.score, c.score as co-occurrence
FROM pearson_mahout p
JOIN cooccurrence_mahout c
ON p.object_id1 = c.object_id1 and p.object_id2 = c.object_id2;
-- This table ignores items with low co-occurrence
CREATE TABLE highly_recommended
AS SELECT object_id1, object_id2, score FROM recommendations
WHERE cooccurrence > 2;
A final note
Running the above script ‘as-is’ confronted us with yet another quirk: the joined table, even before deleting items with low co-occurrence and taking care of the symmetry of the objects id’s, was much smaller than the two initial tables. After a bit of digging, we found out that the default number of items that Mahout outputs was too low, so that the set scoring high on one algorithm was not always scoring high when using the other algorithm. To address that issue we changed the Mahout code to
mahout itemsimilarity --input $SCORES --output $OUTPUT_PEARSON
-s SIMILARITY_PEARSON_CORRELATION --maxSimilaritiesPerItem 100000
mahout itemsimilarity --input $SCORES --output $OUTPUT_COOCCURRENCE
-s SIMILARITY_COOCCURRENCE --maxSimilaritiesPerItem 100000
That’s it! I hope that, with this post, you’ll be able to get your recommendations right!