Mattt Thompson visited Xebia Netherlands.
For three days Mattt presented on various topics of interest. On the 15th Mattt presented to a group of Xebians. On the 16th he did a similar day at my current project at the Dutch ING bank. Finally on the 17th Mattt hosted an open roster training for anybody interested. During the three days Mattt talked about AFNetworking, ReactiveCocoa, Heroku, general tips and tricks related to iOS and … a preview on the content of the pub quiz he was giving the next week in Amsterdam. No worries we respected Mattt’s request to not spoil the fun during the real event by participating with advance knowledge.
In between Mattt and me found some time to go to a CocoaHeadsNL meet-up and have a great diner with a couple of colleagues. As a bonus surprise the ING surprised Mattt with a museum visit as well.
Looking back, I think it was a success. But the next time I am organizing something like this again I will make sure to have enough time to prepare and get the word out. I had some tense moments wondering wether or not Xebia could find enough people to participate on the open rosters day.