On thursday the 17th of October, Xebia is hosting a day long public session with Mattt Thompson.
Mattt is best known as the creator of AFNetworking and Postgres.App, he also maintains the website NSHipster. He is the Mobile Lead at Heroku, a premier cloud hosting platform.
As such, Mattt is an expert iOS developer and speaker. He is also well versed in other technologies, but the focus of the day will be software development on the iOS platform. Mattt will be talking about AFNetworking 2.0 internals, Objective-C API design latest NSHipster and ReactiveCocoa for sure. The rest of the content highly depends on the input of those attending.
We are looking for experienced iOS developers to join us on the 17th. If you are interested please contact us for more details or leave a reply on this blog post.