This post was originally published at on November 30, 2021.
In previous blog posts, we have seen how to model your domain using data
, enum
, and sealed
classes, and how to describe validation using functional programming techniques. How you model data is a very important part of the design of your software. The other important side is how you model your behaviors. This is what we are going to talk about today: how to simplify your code with effects, avoiding heavyweight dependency injection frameworks on the go.
For every single function you write, there’s often some main data you require, and a bunch of other ancillary pieces, the context. The typical example is a function to write some user information to the database: apart from the User
itself, you need a DatabaseConnection
, and maybe a way to log
potential issues. One possibility is to make everything a parameter, as follows.
suspend fun User.saveInDb(conn: DatabaseConnection, logger: Logger) {
// prepare something
val result = conn.execute(update)
if (result.isFailure) logger.log("Big problem!")
// keep doing stuff
This has an advantage: everything is explicit. You know exactly what you need to run this function. But there’s a big disadvantage too: everything is explicit. This means that you need to manually thread all this context in your functions. This also means a lot of boilerplate mudding your code, and decreased maintainability, as any change on the context required for some piece of code could create a domino effect in the rest of the code.
This problem isn’t new, of course; this is our old friend dependency injection (DI). In short, we want to have all the pieces we need, but don’t want to thread them. The world knows no shortage of DI frameworks, but almost all of them suffer from two disadvantages:
- Dependencies are not reflected as part of the type, so they become part of a hidden contract. We prefer explicitness for two reasons: (1) the rest of the team can discover the dependencies without looking in the body of the function or how it’s used, and (2) the compiler can perform some sanity checks for us.
- Dependency injection does not use the same vocabulary as the rest of the code. We prefer ways to model this problem using features of the language, instead of relying on magic such as annotation processing.
Dependencies as receivers
The technique we want to present today takes a similar starting point to many others: define each of your dependencies as interfaces, which we usually call effects. Remember to mark all of your functions with suspend
. This allows for better control both on the effect level and the runtime level. In the case of a database connection, the interface can be as easy as a function returning it.
interface Database {
suspend fun connection(): DatabaseConnection
We always suggest exposing a more constrained API, though. In this case, instead of giving up all your control of the connection, we may provide a way to execute a query. This opens the door to execute
queueing the queries, for example.
interface Database {
suspend fun <A> execute(q: Query<A>): Result<A>
Regardless of your choice, the final step is to make this interface your receiver type. As a consequence, your User
must now appear as argument, and you can directly call execute
, since it comes from the receiver Database
suspend fun Database.saveUserInDb(user: User) {
// prepare something
val result = execute<User>(update)
// do more things
This solution is explicit, as Database
appears as part of the type of saveUserInDb
, but avoids lots of boilerplate by using one [Kotlin]( “Kotlin”) feature: receivers.
We can provide different incarnations of Database
by creating new objects implementing the aforementioned interface. The most straightforward is simply wrapping a DatabaseConnection
, as we were doing previously:
class DatabaseFromConnection(conn: DatabaseConnection) : Database {
override suspend fun <A> execute(q: Query<A>): Result<A> =
This is not the only one: the execution may work in a pool of connections, or we could be using an in-memory database for testing.
class DatabaseFromPool(pool: ConnectionPool) : Database { ... }
class InMemoryDatabase() : Database { ... }
The scope function with
is one of Kotlin’s idiomatic ways to provide the value of a receiver. In most cases, we would use a block right after it, in which Database
is already made available.
suspend fun main() {
val conn = openDatabaseConnection(connParams)
with(DatabaseFromConnection(conn)) {
Some teams prefer to bundle the whole create the wrapping object + call with
into specialized runner functions. In that case, a clear pattern appears, in which the last parameter of such runner is a function that consumes that receiver.
suspend fun <A> db(
params: ConnectionParams,
f: suspend Database.() -> A): A {
val conn = openDatabaseConnection(connParams)
return with(DatabaseFromConnection(conn), f)
suspend fun main() {
db(connParams) { saveUserInDb(User("Alex")) }
Always suspend
Strong statements require strong justifications, and we’ve made one when we said that we always mark the functions in our effects with the suspend
modifier. To understand the justification, we need to dive a bit into the difference between describing some computation and actually executing it.
Most of the time, we think of computation as happening “on the spot.” Whenever the program arrives to my println("Hello!")
, it’s going to immediately execute it. This model is simple; on the other hand, it’s also problematic for a couple of reasons:
- If the
was in code we do not control, it’s imposing on us a so-called side effect that we cannot easily handle or get rid of. - Immediate executing the code denies us the possibility of modifying parameters of this execution: maybe we wanted it to happen in a different thread. For example, because this is part of a graphical interface that requires some operations to happen in a specific “UI thread.”
The suspend
modifier in Kotlin avoids these problems, because such a function is not immediately executed. We can still compose those functions — in fact, Kotlin makes it so easy that it looks as we were writing “normal” code —. But suspend
functions by themselves are only descriptions of what ought to be done. As a very simplistic approximation, think of a function () -> Int
: such a function is not yet an integral number, but a recipe to obtain one.
Once you’ve built the entire description, you can execute it in many different ways. The simplest one is runBlocking
. By marking all the functions in our effects as suspend
, we give freedom to both implementors of instances (who may choose to introduce additional threading, for example) and end users of the effects (who can ultimately decide how to spawn the initial computation).
If you squint your eyes a bit more, the type of runBlocking
actually looks suspiciously similar to the db
function defined above.
fun <T> runBlocking(
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T
Here, CoroutineScope
is the effect related to handling concurrency since it provides functions like cancel
or launch
This notion of separating description from execution of code is by no means new. The Scala community has been playing with this idea for a long time, as witnessed by Cats Effect or ZIO. Those libraries, however, cannot get to the same level of integration as Kotlin’s built-in suspend
. For deeper insight on the use of suspend
as effects, check Arrow Fx’s documentation.
More than one dependency
I know what you’re thinking: “where’s the Logger
?” Indeed, this technique requires a bit of refinement if your context is comprised of more than one effect. Let’s start by defining the interface for logging:
interface Log {
suspend fun log(message: String): Unit
Here comes the trick: since contexts are interfaces, we can represent requiring both effects as a subclass of both. For this, we bring in a not so well-known feature in Kotlin: where
clauses. Simply stated, where
clauses allow us to define more than one upper bound for a generic type. Let’s see it in action:
suspend fun <Ctx> Ctx.saveUserInDb(user: User)
where Ctx : Database, Ctx : Log {
// prepare something
val result = execute(update)
if (result.isFailure) log("Big problem!")
// keep doing stuff
This pattern slowly grows on you, and at the end, you always define your functions using a context receviver Ctx
, whose effects you define later as upper bounds using where
The main problem is now how to inject the required instances of Database
and Log
so you can call saveUserInDb
. Unfortunately, the following does not work, even though we have those two instances at hand.
suspend fun main() {
db(connParams) { stdoutLogger {
} }
The problem is that saveUserInDb
expects both of them packed into a single context object. We can work around it by creating an object on the spot, and using delegation to refer to the previously-created instances.
suspend fun main() {
db(connParams) { stdoutLogger {
with(object : Database by this@db, Logger as this@stdoutLogger) {
} }
The main restriction is that you cannot inject two values whose type only depend on different type parameters due to JVM erasure. For example, imagine we had defined a generic “environment value” effect.
interface Environment<A> {
suspend fun get(): A
Then we cannot define a context requiring Environment<ConnectionParams>
and Environment<AppConfig>
. In practice, this is not so problematic, as you often want to introduce more specialized interfaces, and constraint your usage as outlined above for Database
Looking at the future
The future looks quite bright for Kotliners in this respect. The language designers are working on a new feature: context receivers, which would allow bringing a cleaner design for what we are describing using subtyping. As the feature stands now, we will be able to state:
context(Database, Logger)
fun User.saveInDb() { ... }
and inject the values by simply nesting the calls to db
and stdoutLogger
Contexts, effects, algebras
Kotlin’s documentation often talks about contexts when describing this usage of receivers. We often use effect instead; this term is used in functional programming to describe everything done by a function outside data manipulation. Some usages in that respect are “effect handlers” in many Haskell libraries, or Cats effect in the Scala community.
This technique is also related to tagless final as approached in Scala. In that case, we would refer to our Database
interface as an algebra. There’s an important distinction though: whereas tagless final uses heavyweight type machinery available only in Scala (and Haskell), the technique in this blog post uses simpler mechanisms offered by Kotlin.
Using Kotlin’s features — receivers, scope functions, where
clauses — in a wise manner, we can succinctly describe the context required for our code to run. This avoids the need for DI frameworks, while, at the same time, being more explicit on the requirements, leading to better compiler checks. In a coming installment, we’ll see how the seemingly unimportant addition of suspend
allows us to model even more complex effects.