Continuous Delivery | Docker Deep dive into Windows Server Containers and Docker – Part 2 – Underlying implementation of Windows Server Containers Cornell Knulst 06 Mar, 2017
Continuous Delivery Created an open source VSTS build & release task for Azure Web App Virtual File System Geert van der Cruijsen 14 Feb, 2017
Continuous Delivery Building, testing and deploying precompiled Azure Functions Geert van der Cruijsen 31 Jan, 2017
Agile Transformation | Continuous Delivery | Mobile Development It’s 2017: Test automation is not optional when building mobile apps! Geert van der Cruijsen 16 Jan, 2017
Continuous Delivery Created an open source VSTS build & release task for Sitecore.Ship Geert van der Cruijsen 03 Jan, 2017
Agile Transformation | Continuous Delivery | Scrum Agile, but still really not Agile? What Pipeline Automation can do for you. Part 3. Michiel Sens 03 Nov, 2015
Agile Transformation | Continuous Delivery | Scrum Agile, but still really not Agile? What Pipeline Automation can do for you. Part 2. Michiel Sens 22 Oct, 2015
Agile Transformation | Continuous Delivery | Scrum Agile, but still really not Agile? What Pipeline Automation can do for you. Part 1. Michiel Sens 12 Oct, 2015
Continuous Delivery | Software Development 5 Reasons why you should test your code Frank van Wijk 27 Jul, 2015
Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery across multiple providers Coert van den Thillart 21 Jan, 2015
Continuous Delivery | Middleware How to create Java microservices with Dropwizard Jan Vermeir 27 Oct, 2014
Cloud | Continuous Delivery | Middleware How to deploy a Docker application into production on Amazon AWS Mark van Holsteijn 17 Oct, 2014