Geert van der Cruijsen 14 Oct, 2016
Last week Xpirit was at Dutch TechDays 2016 in Amsterdam RAI. Xpirit was a Platinum Sponsor for this event. For those who have missed the event, it was a great opportunity to meet all of the Xpirit colleagues in person since we were ALL there! Xpirit hosted several sessions and also organized a very successful CTO track!
Besides the sessions there was an opportunity to meet our experts at the Mini-Hack zone! There we facilitated people into getting their hands dirty with a variety of Mini-Hacks on a range of technologies. If you did not have the time to do some of them please visit our GitHub Mini-Hack repository here and give them a go! You can’t win prizes anymore but Rajkumar show us how happy you can be with winning a Philips HUE!