Agile Architecture Innovation day at KLM: Persistence with Docker containers Armin Coralic 15 Aug, 2015
Cloud | Docker How to create the smallest possible docker container of any image Mark van Holsteijn 30 Jun, 2015
Agile Architecture How to deploy composite Docker applications with Consul key values to CoreOS Mark van Holsteijn 19 Jun, 2015
Agile Architecture Quickly build a XL Deploy plugin for deploying container applications to CoreOS Thomas Kruitbosch 25 May, 2015
Cloud | Docker How to deploy an ElasticSearch cluster using CoreOS and Consul Mark van Holsteijn 03 May, 2015
Cloud | Docker How to deploy High Available persistent Docker services using CoreOS and Consul Mark van Holsteijn 23 Apr, 2015
Cloud | Docker Rolling upgrade of Docker applications using CoreOS and Consul Mark van Holsteijn 06 Apr, 2015
Cloud | Docker A High Available Docker Container Platform using CoreOS and Consul Mark van Holsteijn 24 Mar, 2015
Middleware | Cloud Deploying a Node.js app to Docker on CoreOS using Deis Mark van Holsteijn 18 Jun, 2014