Robert van Loghem 03 Apr, 2009
On the 15th of April the NLJUG (Dutch Java User group) will be holding their J-Spring conference. Four Xebians will be presenting. Every week we’ll be providing a sneak preview on the podcast of one of those presentations.
The first sneak peek is about Software Transactional Memory by Peter Veentjer.
You can find more information at the NLJUG presentation page.
Peter’s presentation is from 11:20 to 12:10.
Hosted by Robert van Loghem.
This preview is in Dutch. After the 15th we’ll be doing a full episode in english about STM.
So head on over to the Xebia podcast Page or subscribe to our podcast!
I'm always interested in the latest and greatest when it comes to; communication, infrastructure, user experience and coming up with some crazy creative solution which might seem as a weird combination ;) I use and spread the word about multimedia (podcasts, vodcasts, movies, comics) to effectively communicate concepts, ideas, documentation, past experiences and so on.
Furthermore i am heavy into infrastructure but then the middleware part, like HTTP servers, Application Servers, Messaging, Virtualization, etc... I get really enthousiastic if the infrastructure is clustered, highly available and is critical to doing business!
I also like to do development and thus "i eat my own dogfood".