
Just published: VSTS Extension Token Comparer

28 Jun, 2016
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Today I published a new Visual Studio Marketplace extension named “Token Comparer”. In this post I will quickly highlight its features and its usage. In a future post will do and end-to-end scenario so in which you will learn about the creation process as well as the delivery process. But first let’s see the extension.

What does the Token Comparer do?

The Token Comparer can parse specified source files for usage of Tokens and it can compare these against available variables defined in your Release Definition. It will detect and compare the results. Based on the settings you can choose to fail, warn or continue your release.

The tasks will provide you with a summary that will show the findings. The list states the findings.

VSTS Token Comparer Summary

Configuring the Token Comparer?

In this version I choose to let you define a generic service endpoint to allow safely storing your credentials. Now VSTS has the ability to access an oAuth token this will be changed in a future version.

How to find the Token Comparer Extension

Navigate to your VSTS Team Project. Click the Marketplace icon. Search for “Token Comparer”. Choose to install it to your VSTS account.

Token Comparer

Happy Releasing!



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