Extending Entity Framework Core
Entity Framework Core offers a broad framework to help create your database schema, and then store and access your data in said database. But what if you want to do more than what Entity Framework Core offers out of the box? What if you have an edge case that needs support? Extending Entity Framework Core might be a solution.
What is Entity Framework Core?
Entity Framework Core (EF core) is a Microsoft supported open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework. As the name implies it helps developers with persisting and accessing data which resides in a database without being encumbered with converting it from the database DataSet`s to .NET objects. Additionally, it also helps with creating a database schema based on the .NET objects, or the other way around, creating .NET objects based on your database schema. In summary, it eliminates most of the data-access and data-persisting code and frees up the developer’s time to focus on more important areas of the code.
We will now focus on the persistence of data in your database, particularly a SQL database. When you decide to save data to your database, EF core will do this by using an insert, update or delete SQL statement. Often this is a "good enough” approach, but in some situations you might want to use a merge statement instead. For example, on every insert, update or delete statement a round-trip to the database is performed. With a few records this won’t impose any issue. When the amount of records increases the numerous round-trips will slow down the application. To avoid the performance degration a merge statement could be used. A merge statemant would create a single round-trip to the database for every type of object which needs to be inserted, updated or deleted regardless of the amount of records.
To avoid going back to writing the code yourself for every object, you can write an extension on EF core. This way you would only need to write the code once and afterwards you’ll let EF core do the heavy lifting. This article will dive deeper into how you can extend EF core. In the next article we will dive deeper into using merge statements. To do this you’ll first need to know how a migration in EF core works.
EF core uses migrations to update the database Schema based on the data model changes that the developer made. EF core compares the data model changes that the developer made with a snapshot of the old model that is known to EF core. Based on the snapshot ,a migration file is generated to describe the operations which are needed to move from the old model towards the new model. The individual migration files are saved to a history table in the database. This way EF core can track which migrations have been applied and which have not, which is important if you want to update your database and have multiple migrations to apply.
The migration takes place in two steps: the creation of a migration file based on your changes and updating your database schema. To create a migration file you can use the .NET EF core console commands. This will result in calling the CSharp part of the migration, the CSharpMigrationGenerator. We will discuss CSharpMigrationGenerator later in the article. The CSharpMigrationGenerator will generate migration operations based on the changes that have been made. The changes will be persisted in a migration.cs file in which you can add extra operations or extra custom SQL. Updating the database is often performed during startup of your application. We will first discuss how we can extend the SQL script generation of EF core.
Extending the MigrationBuilder API.
The MigrationBuilder builds the migration and contains many different operations. But it cannot contain everything a developer might want to do. To accommodate the option of creating your own operations, the MigrationBuilder can be extended! You can use thesql()
method to write your own little piece of code into a migration. Thesql()
method can be useful if a developer wants to update some records before or after a migration is performed. Another possibility is writing your own custom migration operations to extend the migrations.
public class CustomMigrationSqlGenerator : SqlServerMigrationsSqlGenerator
public CustomMigrationSqlGenerator(MigrationsSqlGeneratorDependencies dependencies, ICommandBatchPreparer commandBatchPreparer) : base(dependencies, commandBatchPreparer) { }
protected override void Generate(MigrationOperation operation, IModel model, MigrationCommandListBuilder builder)
case CreateMergeOperation createoperation:
builder.AppendLine("---Write your SQL code here");
case DropMergeOperation dropoperation:
builder.AppendLine("---Write your SQL code here");
builder.EndCommand(); break;
base.Generate(operation, model, builder); break;
If you decide to create your own custom migrations operations, the first step is declaring your own CustomMigrationSqlGenerator and making it inherit from the SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator.
The next step is registering your custom implementation of the SQL generator in your EF core DbContext. After registering your custom implementation and running a migration, your custom generator will be used instead of the default generator for generating your migration code.
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)
=> options
.ReplaceService<IMigrationsSqlGenerator, MyMigrationsSqlGenerator>();
Now, all the necessary steps are done to implement your own custom operations. For example, if a merge operation needs to be created in the database you can create a CreateMergeOperation and add this to the CustomMigrationSqlGenerator.Generate method. Then you can add the code to an existing migration so the operation is added to the SQL script when the migration is executed.
///Generated Migration.cs
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
migrationBuilder.CreateMerge(‘TableName’, (columnsBuilder) => new {...});
public static OperationBuilder<CreateMergeOperation> CreateMerge(
this MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder,
string tableName,
Func<ColumnsBuilder, TColumns> columns)
var operation = new CreateMergeOperation(tableName, columns);
return new OperationBuilder<CreateMergeOperation>(operation);
The implementation still requires the developer to add custom code after performing the first part of the migration. Otherwise the migration wouldn’t know another operation should be executed. A better implementation would be to add annotations to the entities you want to get custom operations on. During the generation of the operations you can check if an entity has a specific annotation. If the annotation is present you can execute the custom code.
With the SQL generator approach it still only works in the second part of the migrations: the SQL script generation. The preference would be to automatically add custom operations based on annotations to the first part of the migration. That way you would have nothing to do besides adding an annotation in the configuration of the model. Afterwards you would be able to see the new operations in the migration class that is generated in the first step.
To achieve this you would need to extend more services that are used for the migration. The MigrationsModelDiffer.cs and the CSharpMigrationOperationGenerator.cs are the two services that you would need to extend. We will discuss how to extend these services in the following paragraphs.
As the name implies this part of the migration will check for any differences between the new model and the old model. The beautiful part is you can actually include the check on potential custom annotations for the differences, if you want to include custom code when an annotation is present. You can also use this diff method to remove the custom code when the annotation is no longer present. For implementation you would have to create a class inheriting from the MigrationsModelDiffer.cs class and then override the following method:
/// CustomMigrationsModelDiffer.cs
public override IReadOnlyList<MigrationOperation> GetDifferences(IRelationalModel? source, IRelationalModel? target)
The method is called by the migration to get the differences between the target and source entities. By overriding this we can check the target and source for the annotation and if changes are present we can instruct it to create an operation to update the database schema with the changes that we would like to see. The operations that are created here will be passed towards the next step in the migration; the CSharpMigrationOperationGenerator.
An example of the implementation for the custom operations is as follows:
public override IReadOnlyList<MigrationOperation> GetDifferences(IRelationalModel? source, IRelationalModel? target)
var sourceTypes = GetEntityTypesContainingMergeAnnotation(source);
var targetTypes = GetEntityTypesContainingMergeAnnotation(target);
var diffContext = new DiffContext();
var customOperations = DiffCollection(source, target, diffContext, Diff, Add, Remove, (x, y, diff) => x.Name.Equals(y.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
return base.GetDifferences(source, target).Concat(customOperations).ToList();
The DiffCollections is an internal API method that helps make sure an operation is only created once for the target and source combination. The add and remove parameters in the DiffCollection are the functions which contain the knowledge on how to create the custom operations.
The last step that we need to do is to register the ModelDiffer in the service collection. This service must be registered with the DbContext as well. From here we can extend the previous code to include the model differ service.
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder options)
=> options
.ReplaceService<IMigrationsModelDiffer, CustomMigrationsModelDiffer>()
.ReplaceService<IMigrationsSqlGenerator, MyMigrationsSqlGenerator>();
CSharp Migration Operation Generator
The CSharpMigrationOperationGenerator will provide the .NET code which is parsed in the migration class. With the new operations included, the Csharp generator can now be extended to know what to do when such an operation is encountered. An important part here to remember is that the migrations are done in two parts which both are run at different times. For example the migration of the Csharp code is run during design time. The SQL migration is often performed during run time.
For the SQL migration this means we can use the DbContext OnConfiguration method to register the needed overrides to create the correct SQL script. The CsharpMigrationOperationGenerator, which runs during design time, is implemented differently. To make sure that your customer CsharpMigrationOperationGenerator can be called, adjust the imported Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design NuGet package.
When you import this package it automatically ensures that certain design time services are not exposed for your code. The CSharpMigrationOperationGenerator is part of the services which are filtered away. To actually be able to use all the services you should adjust the code in your .csproj file a bit.
For example when you import the package you get the following:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="7.0.2">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
Now you will need to adjust this to the following:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="7.0.2">
Once done you can extend the CSharpMigrationOperationGenerator with your own code. Before we start extending the generator, we must make sure the generator can be found during a migration. For the SQL generator we could use the OnConfiguration method of the DbContext. Due to the fact that the CSharp generator is a design time implementation, the SQL generator solution won’t work. An alternative for this is using the DesignTimeServices.
For DesignTimeServices, Entity Framework has a separate interface that needs to be included. The interface exposes the
method. EF core scans the start-up project for this interface to register potential design time services. If you want to ship potential extensions in a NuGet package the scanning for an interface might be a problem. The solution to this issue is using an assembly attribute in your startup project which contains the name of the class which implements the interface and the full namespace.
[DesignTimeServicesReference("TypeName", "ForProvider")]
The typename parameter is the assembly-qualified name to be added to the servicecollection. The ForProvider
parameter is the name of the provider for which the DesignTimeServices should be used. This parameter is nullable, when left empty the service is added for all the present providers.
With the interface in place we can start implementing the CSharp generator. The implementation is very similar to that of the SQL generator. We will be overriding theprotected virtual void Generate(MigrationOperation operation, IndentedStringBuilder builder)
method. The MigrationsModelDiffer will be doing the work to provide the custom operations so the CSharp generator should work in providing the CSharp code of the implementation. In this case when we get an operation of theCreateMergeOperation
type we want to perform the following additional code:
private static void Generate(CreateMergeOperation operation, IndentedStringBuilder builder)
If you generate a new migration, you will see the migration will contain the CreateMerge statement now.
With this, the whole chain is completed. We can now just add an annotation to the entities in the model builder method on the DbContext. This will result in the merge statements being generated on the next migration. An example of the source code for generating customer operations can be found here: https://github.com/VictordeBaare/EntityFrameworkExtensions