COVID-19 Projections for USA
Is there a covid 19 prediction model that can predict in how many days (months) it is likely to end?
We know now that we have to live with Covid-19. Just like we have learnt to live with the flu virus very year. But the bigger question in the minds of governments, companies, organisations, communities and individuals world wide is when will covid-19 end or at-least taper off to manageable levels.
Well there is a model its called Levitt Model and its proposed by Nobel laureate Prof Michael Levitt who used this on Hubei data and later on data from other countries with great accuracy. The Levitt Model is robust, simple and has fidelity inspite of population size, testing capabilities, missing data, under reporting, geographic region and also around ‘what constitutes a Covid-19 death’.
We at comakeit built a covid-19 predictor app using publicly available data to see when it is likely to taper-off in each of the states in the USA.