Agile Architecture | Agile Transformation | Software Development Five quality patterns in Agile development Erik Zeedijk 16 Sep, 2019
Software Development | Agile Architecture | UK Disciplined Agile – A Versatile Process Framework Mariusz Nosol 12 Jun, 2019
Agile Architecture | Continuous Delivery | DevOps Going from a Value Stream Map to Value Stream Optimisation Pavel Goultiaev 30 Jan, 2019
Agile Architecture | Continuous Delivery | DevOps | DevSecOps | Security | Software Development Build and secure containers to support your CI/CD pipeline João Rosa 24 Jan, 2019
Agile Architecture Running Kubernetes locally with Docker on Mac OS X Joost van Wollingen 10 Jan, 2018
Agile Architecture | DevOps | Software Development Refactoring to Microservices – Using a Document as State Jan Vermeir 19 May, 2017
Agile Architecture Nomad 0.5 configuration templates: consul-template is dead! long live consul-template! Bastiaan Bakker 24 Nov, 2016
Agile Architecture Innovation day at KLM: Persistence with Docker containers Armin Coralic 15 Aug, 2015
Software Development | Agile Architecture | Middleware The monolithic frontend in the microservices architecture Ruben Oostinga 27 Jul, 2015