Agile Transformation | Podcast Podcast Episode 8 online: SCRUM, interview with Jeff Sutherland (pt. 2/2) Robert van Loghem 18 Jul, 2007
Agile Transformation Doing Scrum and Agile is hard for developers too Machiel Groeneveld 11 Jul, 2007
Agile Transformation | Podcast Podcast Episode 6 online: SCRUM, interview with Jeff Sutherland (pt. 1/2) Robert van Loghem 15 Jun, 2007
Agile Transformation | Podcast Podcast Episode 4 online: Scrum Introduction part 2 Robert van Loghem 30 May, 2007
Agile Transformation | Podcast Podcast episode 2 online: Scrum Introduction part 1 Serge Beaumont 16 May, 2007
Agile Transformation | Podcast Xebia Podcast is now live: Serge Beaumont 09 May, 2007
Agile Transformation EssUP, the practice centric software development process Rik de Groot 26 Apr, 2007