
AWS Docker Toolbox

17 Nov, 2018
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Have you ever broken your python installation? Or did your machine crashed right before you need to do something on AWS? Attended a workshop and not able to install all tools you needed? I’ve got you covered! With just a single command.
This is how it works! Run this command and you are in a container with all the tools available. Of course you can check out the Dockerfile to find out which packages are installed an how to upgrade them.

docker run -it \
    -v $(pwd)/:/workdir \
    -v $HOME:/root \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -p "3000:3000" \

Mount the current workdir in the workdir in the container.

-v $(pwd)/:/workdir

Mount the home folder to the homefolder /root in the container. To use your aws credentials, and other settings for other tools.

-v $HOME:/root

To run Docker other containers from inside this container.

-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

To open sam local or other ports. Add more or other ports if you want.

-p "3000:3000"

CLI Tools

At this moment we already have a nice list of CLI tools.

  • awscli (use: aws)
  • sam
  • terraform (use tfenv to install other versions!)
  • ecs-cli
  • eb (elastic beanstalk cli)
  • chalice
  • sceptre
  • cfn-lint
  • cfn-flip
    For the latest tools installed, check out the Github repository. Want to add or update a package? Pull requests are highly appreciated!

Image by Daniel Nettesheim from Pixabay


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