Do you have friends in the IT industry?

Xebia rewards for references!

Learn about the External Referral Program.

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Do you have a friend worth recommending?
Contact us and get an award of up to PLN 4.000!

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    Accepted files format: pdf, doc, docx, jpeg, png; up to 50 MB

    The attached CV should contain a declaration of consent with the following content:

    “I hereby consent to the processing by Xebia sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław at ul. Sucha 3 of my personal data, included in my job offer, for the purposes necessary to carry out recruitment processes (for various positions) in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000).”

    Optional consent declaration:

    “I also consent to the processing by the advertiser of Xebia sp. z o.o. of my personal data for the purposes of future recruitment.”

    Check who we are looking for

    We are looking for people who, like us, are focussed on development, knowledge sharing and partnership with the client. We value high quality, open communication and good atmosphere. Come and see!

    We run projects for foreign clients

    We work with the Agile approach

    We use the latest technologies, frameworks and tools

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    Find out more about us!

    We are a global IT company with over 20 years of experience. We advise, create and adapt tailor-made IT solutions. We have over 6000 experts on board in several countries around the world.

    In Poland, you will find our offices in Wrocław, Gdańsk and Rzeszów.

    Check out what’s new with us: